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1 La Tauromaquia
2 Los Caprichos
3 Bacchanales and Children's Games
4 Yvette Guilbert
5 Complete set of the first edition
6 apart from or after the 1867 edition published in Gazette des Beaux-Arts
7 One of the four additonal plates prepared for but not published in the set titled Los Disparates (Los Proverbios)
8 Los Disparates (Los Proverbios)
9 Complete Edition
10 L'Estampe originale, Album VI
11 L'Estampe originale, Album IX, cover
12 Le Café Concert, suite of 21 lithographs by Lautrec and Ibels
13 Le Café Concert: suite of 21 lithographs by Lautrec and Ibels
14 Le Café Concert; series of 11 lithographs
15 Le Café Concert; suite of eleven lithographs
16 Le Café Concert;suite of eleven lithographs
19 Bacchanals and Children's Games
20 Bacchanales
21 The Disasters of War
22 Etchings after Velazquez
23 Les Vielles Histories (The Old Tales)
24 Elles, 1896
25 Elles
26 ELLES (Those Women)
27 Illustrations for the weekly magazine L'Escarmouche, 1893-94. Proof apart from the edition of 100.
28 TREIZE LITHOGRAPHIES; PORTRAITS OF ACTORS AND ACTRESSES. Portfolio of thirteen lithographs. Published in Paris, ca. 1901-6; edition of ca. 400.
29 Les Vieilles Histoires (The Old Tales)
31 Six Proverbs
32 Virtues
33 Complete edition
34 Four Prints
35 Set of four prints
36 Four Proverbs
37 Proverbs
38 Illustrations for the weekly magazine L'Escarmouche, 1893-94
39 Les Vieilles Histories (The Old Tales)
40 Episodes from the New Testament
41 Six Landscapes with Figures
42 Unique impression
43 Les Vieilles Histories (The Old Tales); posthumous edition
44 Etchings of Paris
45 Bordeaux Etchings. Bound text by Eleanor Sayre and six plates printed by Emiliano Sorini, 1971
46 Six of Lautrec's eleven lithographs from the edition of 50 on Japan pap
47 Le Café Concert
48 Le Café Concert; suite of eleven lithos
49 Le Cafe Concert series of eleven lithographs
50 Le Café Concert; suite of eleven lithographs on japan paper
51 Edition of ca. 35
52 Series of Heads after Piazetta
53 one of the set "Riders in Landscapes" (Reiter in Landschaften)
54 set of Satyr Families and Bacchantes
55 'Landscapes in the manner of Salvator Rosa' (Die Landschaften in Sal. Rosa's)
56 From "Lines in Colour on Colour to Points on a Grid"
57 From the series "Forms Derived from a Cube" (set of 24)
58 From the "Rubber Stamp Portfolio"
59 Iliad, Ogilby's translation
60 Formerly attributed to Goya. Ex. coll.: Frederic Villot; Philip and Frances Hofer
61 Folder, vol.1, no.1, Winter 1953 (see main entry 1994.30.1.1-3).
62 Folder, vol.1, no.1, winter 1953 (see main entry 1994.30.1.1-3).
63 Folder, vol.1. no.1, Winter 1953 (see main entry 1994.30.1.1-3).
64 Folder, vol.1, no.2, 1954 (see main entry 1994.30.2.1-3).
65 Folder, vol.1, no.2, 1954 (see main entry 1994.30.2.1-3)
66 Folder, vol.2, no.1, 1954-1955 (see main entry 1994.30.3.1-2).
67 Folder, 1954 (see main entry 1994.30.4.1-2).
68 Bustes de Philosophes et de rois
69 The Passion of Christ
70 Les Bacchanales
71 Portfolio of 10 lithographs
72 Preparatory drawings for the album of etchings, "View of Rome and Environs", 1810
73 Text by Arthur Byl, translated by A. Texeira de Mattos; published by Bliss, Sands & Co., London, 1898; edition of 350
74 Posthumous first edition from "Disparates" (with engraved list of plates), 1864. Plates 1, 2, 5, 7-9, 11, 13-16. 18.
75 Posthumous first edition (with engraved list of plates), 1864. Plates 3, 4, 6, 10, 12 and 17.
76 From suite of 21 lithographs by HTL and H.-G. Ibels: LE CAFE CONCERT
77 Illustrations for L'ESCARMOUCHE
79 'News of the day' (Actualités)
80 Fores's National Sports
81 Les Chefs-d'Oeuvre du Roman Contemporain
82 Bibliotheque des Chefs-d'Oeuvres Contemporains
83 Bibliothèque des Chefs-D'Oeuvres Contemporains
84 Les Chefs-d'Oeuvres des Romans Contemporains
85 Les Chefs d'Oeuvre du Roman Contemporain
86 Months of the Year
87 From The Months of the Year, series of twelve prints, 1761
88 'Ducal Ceremonies and Festivals' (Le Feste Ducali)
89 736 / 1000
90 'Views' (Vedute altre prese da i luoghi altre ideate da Antonio Canal)
91 'Icones ad Vivum Expressae'
92 'Icones ad vivum expressae'
93 From Divers Portraits, series of twelve prints
94 From an album assembled by Zanetti
95 From Bacchanals and Histories, series of eight etchings
96 Plate V from a series of twenty-four landscapes
97 Plate VI from a series of twenty-four landscapes
98 Plate X from a series of twenty-four landscapes
99 Eight Italian views, printed together on a single sheet
100 From a series of thirty-eight etchings

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