Object Name

Data license: CC0 · Data source: metmuseum/openaccess

27,381 rows

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id ▼ value
1 Coin
2 Peso
3 Centavos
4 Pesos
5 Bust
6 Clock
7 Vase
8 Side Chair
9 Figure
10 Advertisement
11 Ale glass
12 Andiron
13 Apothecary jar
14 Statuette
15 Frame
16 Architectural elements
17 Loggia elements
18 Bedroom
19 Argand lamp
20 Lamp shade
21 Armchair
22 Banister-back armchair
23 Drawing
24 Slat-back armchair
25 Spindle-back armchair
26 Teapot
27 Rocking chair
28 Reclining armchair
29 Folding armchair
30 Side chair
31 Revolving armchair
32 Furniture hardware
33 Astral lamp
34 Window
35 Aviary
36 Baby's bottle
37 Badge
38 Baking dish
39 Balcony
40 Ball
41 Wall panel
42 Baluster
43 Banjo clock
44 Bank
45 Baptismal basin
46 Baptismal bowl
47 Baptismal certificate
48 Bottle
49 Mug
50 Keg
51 Basin
52 Wash basin
53 Basin Stand
54 Basin stand
55 Basket
56 Door
57 Oil cruet
58 Beaker
59 Pulque beaker
60 Tumbler
61 Bean pot
62 Folding bedstead
63 Bedstead
64 Bell
65 Bell pull
66 Bellows
67 Bench
68 Sleigh seat
69 Painting
70 Cameo medallion, minature
71 Mask cast
72 Medallion
73 Painting, miniature
74 Portrait Panel
75 Plaque
76 Bust, miniature
77 Berry dish
78 Spoon
79 Betty lamp
80 Bible
81 Bill holder
82 Fountain
83 Birdhouse
84 Birth and baptismal certificate, Fraktur
85 Certificate, Fraktur
86 Birth certificate, Fraktur
87 Birth, baptismal and marriage certificate, Fraktur
88 Bitters bottle
89 Desk
90 Blotter
91 Blotter holders
92 Bobbin and thread
93 Bobeche
94 Bolt, nut, and washer
95 Bonnet
96 Flask
97 Book
98 Bookcase
99 Bookend
100 Sculpture

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CREATE TABLE "Object Name" (
                    "id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
                    "value" TEXT
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